Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bye bye August!

August is almost over and it is starting to cool off. We've had a fun week though. We went to Bonnie Raitt at Red Butte and I took Dahlia to the zoo - Jenny and Bailey met us there. It was the perfect day and the girls were so cute. Dahlia spent the night and was an ANGEL -- YES, an ANGEL! (Why won't anyone believe me???) I took her to Toys R Us and we did some serious shopping. Tomorrow (hopefully) we leave for our annual camping trip on the Boulder. The weather forecast doesn't look too good -- rain. :-( Luckily Cade and Janelle are taking their trailer. I am determined to have fun this weekend -- going to pack the long johns!

Bailey, Dahlia and me at the zoo
Having lunch at the zoo
Jenny drinking her drinkie!
Two cute girls!
Looking at the white rhino. Check out the pigtails! How cute are they?
What a doll! Look at that grin!
Cade got his cast off -- OUCH! (Gross, huh?)
Poor sad foot
Ed's sister Sandy stayed with us last week for a night. She is so affectionate! Not to me, though. She tried to kill me with wine. And very nearly succeeded. The details are too ugly to go into. Suffice it to say that I did not get through the evening unscathed (ouch!)

1 comment:

Shanda Mattsson said...

You always have so much going on! Busy busy girl!! I am excited for our camping trip!

Poor Cade's foot!! OUCH!